saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 26, 2002

hmm was blogging halfway when noel called.. so lost my train of thought.. anyway, can you believe this, my hand feels a little strained from holding the phone.. like how pathetic is that.. sheesh man..
and im dying.. so im gonna go sleep.. tmr still got assessed tutorial.. so eereetating.. and i thought i could sleep in the whole day.. and then ive got a stoopid dental appointment at 4pm.. right smack in the middle of everything.. bleah.. hmm think will go to ikea after that.. im thinking whether i should buy shoes or stuff at queensway.. but i just feel like going on a shopping spree so dont think that will be a good idea.. will just want to buy the entire place down.. well, at least i dont have to work tmr.. just hope im well enough by friday..
yay.. can finally go read my book now.. terry pratchet's soul music.. weehee!!!


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