saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, September 21, 2002

wahh.. i havent blogged in quite a while huh.. been too tired to even switch on the computer lah.. just came back from my gramma's house.. i rushed over there from work.. and my gramma made me eat so many things.. i feel so bloated!!

hmm borders has made my life so interesting..
oh i finally saw jonathan at work today!! he never seems to be on the same shift as me at all.. he seems to have gone out of the messy hair phase.. its gelled up now.. hehe.. he was supposed to be on the same shift as me yesterday.. but he didnt come!! totally disappeared.. and then, cos he was supposed to be my partner at the information counter, i was left alone!! sheesh man.. heh i was disturbing him cos i finished work at 8 today.. then he said he will call me when he finishes work at 12 to wake me up!! wat an eediot right!! but aiya he's working closing shift today.. so i wont see him tmr.. damn..
and then this isaac, keeps making fun of me!! hmpf.. we argue practically everytime we see each other.. even if its in the same day.. haha.. that eediot...
and then, theres sherrifah.. hehe she's so cartoon.. yesterday, i had to keep watch for her cos she kept eating her melted ice cream.. and she refused to let me get her a straw.. haha.. then towards the end, she drank it.. hahahaa... wat a goon know, wat a goon.. heh then today, when we see each other, we freeze.. for like 3 seconds.. then slowly back off.. then we step forward.. and then we freeze again.. hahaha wat rubbish!!
hehe and then theres siti aisyah.. haha so cute that girl.. she keeps saying.. "eh sorry i left you behind.." haha wat nonsense.. oh did i mention that i think she's very pretty.. hehe so cool man.. hehehe
oh and the malay cash office girl.. maya.. hehe she's so cute tooo... haha i think she and aisyah are sisters.. but im not sure.. she's quite pretty too.. just noticed today.. hehe.. she asked if im still schooling.. so i said ya im still in ngee ann.. so she replied.. "oh i saw.. the scarf in japan.." haha wat an eediot right!! at first i didnt get it.. cos i was counting money.. then i was wondering why she was talking about japan.. haha wat a sickababoo..
oh must tell you.. i think ivan's all out to irritate me.. he keeps giving me weird waves.. and he talks so loud!!! cant stand it!! he's really like raymond!! whY!@!!! why me@?!!!#!

hmm.. must also say that there are people that i dont like..
1. Kay. she's one of the managers.. she's so not friendly one.. she ALWAYS has this ultra serious face.. like as though people cannot have fun at work.. its this dont-talk-to-me-if-its-not-about-work face.. like.. eeeeee.... then she so strict about everything one.. like i asked her to help me open the till cos i forgot to take out change.. then she gave me look that was as if i had committed the worst crime in the history of punishables in borders.. sheesh man.. not like she was doing anything anyway.. she was just standing there with her hands behind her back, looking like some supervising surveyor.. ugh..
2. nina. she's not so bad lah.. but somehow she exudes this air of im-busy, dont-bother-me-with-your-worthless-nonsense.. which is so unfriendly.. i told her that there are customers waiting in line also she give black face.. and she doesnt talk to me at all.. and she has this half-sulking face.. so i dont really dare to crap with her.. but maybe its just me lah.. she seems to be fine with some of the others.. oh well..

oh must mention that i saw jessica there with her frens last night.. i knew she was there cos i could hear her talking llike two miles away!!
oh and i saw kon there today too.. but he didnt see me lah.. he was browsing at the magazine section.. and i was busy at the cahier counter..
oh, agnes from the other module was there too..
oh ya!! i saw ivan ke too!! together with jason koh and grace cheng.. the seniors from mcm.. heh ivan looks so funny with his hair chopped off.. then talked to him for a while.. felt abit weird cos i didnt really have anything to say.. haha..
looks like i saw quite a number of people there huh.. aiya that silly ben.. he keeps going there when im not working.. he called me up at 9+ to ask where i was.. and i just left borders an hour ago!! sheesh..

heh this is quite a long post isnt it..

oh! eh got the bolton match later!! so exciting!! *grinzzz*


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