saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, October 19, 2002

i have so many extremely extreme things to blog, you wont believe it..

by the way, im eating my cheese dip cheese dip cheese dip..!! (:

first thing.. i just got off the phone with leonard.. who was ridiculously obsessed with my tummy.. i know.. like how weird is that right.. the way he talks about it, you'd think it was a living thing on its own! sheesh!! and you know wat he asked me?? "can i touch it??" like omigoodnesssssssssssssssssssss....

next, i was talking to noel before i called leonard.. why did i call him?? cos i received an extremely weird sms.. "now that i've graduated..." and since i was expecting an sms from either leonard or jonathan, this didnt seem likely to be from one of them.. so when i found out that it was from annil... i immediately thought that it was meant for someone else.. then i read the entire message.. "now that i've graduated i guess its worth a shot, fancy coffee sometime?" not knowing whether to laugh or not, i called noel up.. so together, we decided that ignoring him wouldnt be too good an idea cos he might go stalker on me.. so i replied "er..? did you sms the wrong person?" so obviously i was hoping that it would be the case, and that would be the end of it.. i thought wrong.. his reply? "heh, well i'll take that as a no. i think, no worries" so i just apologised.. and guess wat.. he replied!!!! "no worries, if ya change ya mind, you could always give me a call, take care" so i just said ok and wished him good night.. and he replied!! again!! "but for the record, are you gonna think about it or no chance in hell, haha" wah i was really stuck then ok.. but thanks to noel, "i think.. no.. sorry." (might i add that all my replies were drafted by noel cos i was simply wayyy too freaked out.. ) so then finally it ended "alright kool, nitez"
but i was still damn freaked out ok.. went totally ballistic.. noel said i had this demented laugh.. the kind in the tcs 8 dramas where a person goes mad.. like really.. sheesh.. and that went on for a long time man.. noel said he wasnt sure if i was laughing or crying.. haha.. haa....

ooohh.. ive got a scoop on noel.. wonder if i should say it.. *tough decision* (ergh.. so tempted to, but he's got that annil scoop on me.. so better keep my mouth shut..)

hmm.. lastly.. (sad news here..) jonathan quit.. im very sad.. i was wondering wat happened to him cos i saw that his name wasnt in the schedule.. as per the previous saturday.. so i was rather surprised to see him in the store about half an hour later.. and not in uniform somemore.. he waved at me so i went over, and he told me that he quit last sunday.. and then my supervisor came along and joined in the conversation.. apparently, it seems that the management people werent too pleased cos jonathan took leave on 2 occasions cos his grandmother was in hospital.. and they demanded that he show proof lah.. so the first time, he got the nurse to give him a copy of the hospitalisation slip.. the second occasion was just last saturday.. and they didnt allow him to go on emergency leave.. so jonathan just didnt turn up.. (the funny thing was that his name didnt even appear on the schedule..) and then he quit on sunday.. but he was still supposed to come to work this week cos he's required to give at least a week's notice.. so he turned up today, to find that he wasnt even in the schedule.. then when he asked evan (the guy who interviewed me, also known as porky pig cos of his perpetually rosy cheeks) about it, he was just told to clear out his stuff.. like how screwy is that right.. and my supervisor was so shocked when he heard about it, he said, "not even a thanks or anything?" and when jonathan said no, my supervisor told him "you should have thrown your uniform at his face and told him to fuck off.." like whoooaa... first time i hear any supervisor talk like that.. (later he was at the reg with me, and he asked where the 2 managers were.. so when i said i dunno, he said "oh, die already ah?" and i asked "why everyone die already?", he said "cos i hate them".. whooaaa.. scary man.. when i ask why, he said "cos they're all hypocrites".. whooaaa.. also dunno wat to say sia..) so ya.. jonathan got my number and everything lah.. ask me to call him when im free.. but i doubt we'll be in contact much.. so sad.. now got no one to talk to at the info counter liaos.. ): im quite upset lah.. keep thinking about it.. jonathan asked me wat time was my break, then can go eat dinner together.. then i had to remind him that i got no break.. so sad right.. he said i should be happy for him.. ya lah.. but how? quite hard you know.. ): now got nothing to look forward to on fridays and saturdays liao.. how to be happy for him you tell me.. i also dunno wat to do lah.. then now i dont wanna eat the butterfly chocolate he bought for me last week.. its still on my table man.. ): sigh..


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