saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 10, 2002

ugh.. i dont feel like going to school man.. today is supposed to be my rest day.. when i can stay at home and slack all day.. but no.. i have to go to school for a stoopid rabbit meeting with people i cant stand.. oh how im looking forward to it..

i realised, ive been talking to leonard quite alot.. hmm.. i hate working on sundays and wednesdays.. saturdays too.. but sundays are worse.. SO BORING!! and SO SLOW!!! sheesh man.. and then wednesdays are just so sian.. think its cos of the people on the same shift lah.. wednesday got nobody fun one.. sometimes ivan lah.. or audrey.. but audrey normally all the way at the music end.. then ivan also not with me.. hmm he's quite alright lah i guess.. not as bad as raymond..

friday's coming!! haha so fun.. i like working on friday nights.. so fun.. yay...

oh ya.. wesley and farand had their birthdays yesterday.. and me and peilin went round singing birthday song SO SUPER LOUDLY that they were sure the whole world heard.. hahaha so farneee... oh matt lee and daniel bluffed wesley that they forgot about him.. so wesley thought only farand got present.. then he was so sad.. haha in the end they gave wesley some disgusting sex toy that made me peilin and farand run outta the room.. hahahahaha cant stand him...


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