saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, October 28, 2002

wah that gayle ah.. (her name is in italics because you've just got to say her name in a particular tone, complete with hand actions..) terrible know.. on friday after my solo stint at info 2, i started recovery on my own.. my supervisor said not to worry cos he'll try to get more help for me.. but gayle and sarhan would definitely join me at 11pm when they close their reg.. but at 11.20, they still werent here.. so i just carried on.. then gayle appeared, and in that whiney tone of hers, told me that she would help me soon.. (ok whatever you say..) and finally at 11.45, the 2 of them came to help me.. and you know how she shelves books? she just finds a shelf with space, and shoves the whole bunch in.. wat the...!!! shock of my life man..


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