saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, December 26, 2002

hmm am gonna meet rag at about 4.. but its kinda drizzling now.. should stop soon lah.. anyway, yesterday was a really really depressing day.. everything was just eating me up and killing me.. so i couldnt work properly.. i didnt make mistakes, but just wasnt concentrating.. and sarhan and farokh were very nice to me, putting up with me and trying to cheer me up and all that.. the only thing was, sarhan opened up my note and i was actually quite pissed about it, but i got over it.. i suppose there was nothing i could do..
yesterday was also the first time during my time in borders that i was the first person sitting on the steps waiting for the manager to open the door for us.. (im usually one of the last..) i was wondering if i should msg amir, when haslina walked past, and i decided that i needed to talk to someone.. and she was the only person i could talk to in borders.. anddd she told me to go for it..

but you know, after a rather "traumatizing" experience with amir on the phone at 320am, i have decided that we are so not right for each other.. i mean, i dont really know what his type is lah, but i suppose i should be going out with a normal average kinda guy around my age who doesnt really know what he wants in or outta life, but has the same desire for an achievement, and who feels that anything goes.. basically someone like me..? rather than a very nice guy who is already a manager and doesnt have the same frequency as me..
and you know, i dont even think he likes me..


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