saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, December 19, 2002

oh you know i went back to work today right?? and i found out my supervisor is disgusting!!! he was being flirty flirty mushy mushy to me man.. like when he pages for me, i answer the call, and he calls me darling.. and makes me say please before he tells me anything then says i love you at the end of it.. then i had to play along to keep myself sane.. then later when i went to the front info desk, i asked this girl something, and before she could answer, he appeared and said "say please?" it was so disgusting i almost choked on my sweet ok.. and when i told noel about it just now, guess wat he said.."choked? could be worse. he could have offered mouth to mouth"
ERGGHHHH!!!! *screams*
wonder why i have this kind of friends..


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