saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, February 18, 2003

damn disgusting day man.. and its not over yet.. (blogging from school) set design is screwed up i swear.. everything is so not happening, and the fsv team that we're building the set for is not even interested in their own work.. what kind of shit is that.. and to make things worse, i have an eternal feeling of throwing up.. gross.. and having been sick over the weekend, makes me wanna collapse into a clump and die..
and then!
i get locked out of photojourn for some reason.. and wayne later insists that the door was never locked.. of course, when printing name sticker labels for me photo assignment, noel simply HAS to print one which says "Weirdo Magnet" in place of my name.. sheesh.. which is now stuck on my sleeve..
so now!
im damn hungry (but still feel like throwing up) and have to wait till say, 1515 for my photo consultation..


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