saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 03, 2003

hmm been wanting to blog but didnt have the chance.. so anyway.. school's been closed for 3 days.. its getting really scary.. but im so glad nat and his girlfriend are fine.. else i would have cried man.. just like when i first got the news about him.. sigh.. and now everything's all messed up.. some kinda of "break".. which reminds me.. i hope to god that fred is still with his girlfriend, cos he smsed me today and after a while, he asked if i wanted to meet him for lunch.. sheesh man!! lucky i was out with my psychiatrist if not i would have hyperventilated..

oh watched taxi3 today with noel.. its really funny!!! hahaha and the cop is kinda cute too.. in a silly goofy kinda way lah.. heehee.. *grinzzz*

and i dunno how i got myself into this, but im going to watch a movie with amir this friday.. *sigh*

i hate myself..


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