saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, May 09, 2003

100 bucks gone to shopping.. and no jeans.. but i had fun though.. *juicy pineapple* haha..

oh, and my manager told me that i should be getting a call to go back to work soon.. but i dont think it'll be that soon.. at least not for a couple of weeks.. so till then im just gonna meet my friends, go out, spend money, and have fun!! yeah!!

must mention, that for the massina paper yesterday, it was the FIRST time i went into an exam hall knowing everything.. it was the best paper ever and i even got X2 posters after that too!! celebrated with the girls by watching X2 (again) and heading back to jessica's place to stuff ourselves with pizza and tortilla chips with salsa and boasters and cheeseballs.. not forgetting the cheap champagne (that tasted and smelled like beer..) in plastic cups.. haha..

but not before walking to maju camp with wesley to get his shoes (which he couldnt, cos he didnt have any credits in his card.. the loser..) and then walking back to my place for alpha bits.. haha.. and funniest thing was, when i was waiting for wesley outside the camp some distance from the entrance, the guy at the guardhouse told wesley, "you better ask your friend to wait in side here, it's gonna rain."

*looks back at the past three years and sighs* i'm gonna miss all of it man.. yup.. every single bit of it..


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