saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, August 09, 2003

hmm.. had the most impromptu dinner meeting with jonathan after work just now.. which kinda saved my ass from FCG.. but thats another story..

anyhow, was kinda surprised when i received a message from jonathan that read "lets do dinner".. and you know, its generally my first instinct to take flight.. but somehow, that reaction didnt occur.. and i thought, why not.. after all, we were pretty good colleagues once and just because we dont work together anymore doesnt mean we cant meet up to catch up.. and besides, i had to go to far east plaza to pick up delta boy (seen there on the left) from level one and it seemed such good company..

we ate at the stall upstairs fep, and this nice guy insisted on paying for it.. so sweet i tell you.. and WAH!! i think he's pretty much the same build as when i last saw him (which was like wat, last dec?), but his arms are like, damn muscular lor.. like his biceps are bursting man! (ok so i exaggerate..) but they're the kind that fills up the sleeve of a t-shirt nicely enough without stopping any blood circulation.. haha.. i didnt really notice till his arm bumped into me while we were walking and i could actually feel myself bouncing away from him.. haha that sounds kinda silly now that ive typed it out, but i have no idea how to explain it otherwise.. :P

just before meeting him, i was remembering all the nonsense we used to do at the info counter together on friday nights.. reading the three billy goats gruff, and the little red hen, and the gingerbread man.. haha.. and how he used to kick me.. my gawdd.. i just remembered i still have the butterfly chocolate he bought for me!! hahaha.. sheesh.. those were very good times.. and then we met up and started bitching about all the staff.. hahaha.. sigh.. (that was a happy sigh by the way..)


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