saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

My my, the Monks of History really do work hard, dont they?

"Time is taken pretty much for granted.. But without the Monks of History, who regulate the distribution of Time, there would be no certainty that tomorrow would happen at all. For example, when you ask "Where did the Time go?" most likely it wasn't that you were having so much fun that Time seemed to go by quickly. More likely, the Monks has simply siphoned it out of your day to pump it somewhere where it was urgently needed, perhaps to a corporate boardroom full of Type-A personalities who never seem to have enough Time in a day."

Leaving my house in less than an hour.
Packed and (not so) ready for the new era in my life that is Melbourne.
Wish me luck.
Love ya all.

This last post from Singapore is dedicated to my best friend, Rag.
I found this poem you wrote for me back in Year 2.
And the same goes out to you.

First thing I wanna say
Thanx a lot for being there
I dunno how I'd survive
Without you by my side

Thanx a lot for listening
Humming along when I sing
Providing tissues when I cry
Comforting to know you'd fail but tried

No one listens like you do
Everyone else hears but not you
You make a real good fren
That I believe is truly God send

Thanx 4 listening and being there 4 me
And not pass judgements unnecessarily
How I wish my dear fren
Our friendship will stay and never end.



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