saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, June 30, 2004

wah.. when i wanted to blog about soooo many things, i couldnt..! sheesh man..! why? because.. there was a black out!! ahhhh!!!! impossible man.. i havent experienced one in like.. a few thousand years..?! its ridiculous! and the best part? the damn thing happened like 15 minutes into smallville..!!!!! ARGHHH!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!

and there was absolutely NOTHING to do!! NOTHING!! arghhhh!!! no tv, no radio, no internet, no fan even..! only got phone.. so i called a few people, but all no answer.. sigh.. and my mom was so funny lah.. she couldnt find a torch, and in the end she found a small fat candle.. then she found this giant flood light that we could use (though i dont know why we even have a flood light) except that.. erm, no batteries.. hahaha.. damn silly lor.. so she gave up on that, and said the best thing to do was to go to sleep.. 5 minutes later, she burst out of her room exclaiming that she needed light to sleep! ahha.. and true enough, when the electricity came back half an hour later, she fell asleep like after 5 minutes!! hahaha..

oh and was the black out like everywhere?!! cos fiona got it.. and rag.. and shichang too..! hmmmm....

so anyway, i at least caught the ending of smallville.. but thanks to the black out, i dont actually know what happened in the damn show.. ergh!

oh yeah.. i guess i should tell you guys now, before you guys accuse me of not informing you all.. heh im going to beijing like next week..! haha.. just a small holiday lah.. 7-11 july.. heh hey! 7eleven..! haha.. okay okayy...

oh and fiona, maybe you couldnt see the flash thing cos when you got to that part, the thing stopped already.. so can try refreshing..? heh.. ((:

okay so i watched The Devil's Advocate after smallville.. (and after a while i realised that i had already watched it before..) you know how the show is based around lawyers, and how the really good ones can get a rapist or a murderer acquitted.. its kinda freaky isnt it? at which stage exactly, between graduating from law school and becoming a great lawyer, does the person actually lose that conscience and general goodwill of wanting to help others and make a difference..? to the point where (in keanu reaves' case) even though he knows the client is guilty as hell, he would still continue with the case and eventally set the monster freee...!!!!

where do you actually draw the line between being good at what you do, and being.. well, just good..

and the ending.. was kind of a good ending i guess.. but its like quite scary right.. like, even though you get a second chance to do things differently, he's still there.. he still gets you.. EVERY. TIME. Vanity. It's his favourite sin.


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