saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 26, 2002

wah.. im so amazed at myself.. i just completed tabulating all the survey results.. yes.. all 61 of them.. so amazing right.. heh so proud of myself.. i feel so accomplished.. haha..
and before you start commenting on how sad i am.. let me tell you that there's hardly a day when i did so much stuff.. and in the afternoon somemore..
wahahha.. now i can go and play.. haha.. oohh.. meeting rag later.. for waffle ice cream!! she's gonna meet some woman in kallang for a part time job of some sort.. hmm i wonder how it will turn out..

hmm i just thought of something.. i havent heard from shichang in a while.. so sad.. must sms him soon.. ):
(for a certain person who doesnt know who im talking about, im refering to breakfast guy..)


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