saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, October 01, 2002

hmmm just got home from dinner with rag..was cool.. had kfc chicken with whipped potato and mountain dew.. yum.. AND.. it was without that stoopid 3 course meal..
went to liberty supermarket after that and bought... CHEESE DIP CHEESE DIP CHEESE DIP!! hahaha was jumping all over the place.. SO FUN MAN!!! i thought of bringing for the ctv movie marathon launch thing on friday..

i got an sms from ivan ke on my way home.. it said "back in prison.. hahaha.. take care.." and then.. it suddenly reminded me of shichang.. its like.. he's sort of a replacement for him.. in kinda exactly the same way... like, i talk to him on icq at night.. and sms him in the day.. of course it doesnt feel the same lah.. cos i dont exactly look forward to talking to ivan.. but well, its just weird.. cos ive got nothing to say to him.. i expect it'll pass.. but right now its really like deja vu.. shichang used to say stuff like that too.. and then, even though i was so sad about it and totally agreed with him, i couldnt say it.. so i had to sort of encourage him? i dunno.. but i really really miss him.. i think he's been home for that past few saturdays so he's watched all the arsenal matches.. im glad for him, but its like he doesnt need me to update him on the scores and stuff anymore.. i think we havent smsed in over 2 weeks.. so maybe, just maybe.. ivan is like the rebound.. i dunno lah.. i know that sounds really bad.. but i also dunno.. aiya.. i know i should just sms shichang.. but its been so long that it doesnt seem right anymore.. i wish we could go back to that time.. (even though my sms bill killed me..) *sigh*


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