saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, September 27, 2002

oh no.. rag said that she caught some of my flu virus!! oh no!!! cannot!!! only one person can be sick at a time!!! how liddat!!! hmm i hope im well enough to survive working tmr.. yay.. jonathan is on the same shift as me!! i hope he'll be at the same counter as me.. then i can disturb him.. hahaha.. but i dont think its very likely.. he was already scheduled to be my partner that time but he didnt turn up.. stoopid boy..

hmm you know, i still havent smsed shichang (breakfast guy).. i dunno lah.. its like.. dont really have the time to keep replying smses.. not that it takes up alot of time lah.. just that.. well.. i also dunno how to explain.. aiya.. screwed lah.. i really miss talking to him everyday online.. was something that i looked forward to everyday.. and then we still sms during the day.. now its like.. totally gone.. i hate ns!!.. screws people's life.. even indirectly.. erghhh...

and i just remembered.. i havent replied nic's letter... for like 2 weeks already.. sheesh.. this is getting bad..

im going to sulk now.. hmpff..


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