saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 03, 2002

i smsed shichang today!!! and he replied!!! hehehehehehehe like how cool is that.. but you know wat.. i was so excited till about 6pm.. cos then i realised that he's not gonna reply to anymore of my messages.. i suppose thats part of the reason why its become like that.. i will ask him where he disappeared to.. and he would say that he hadnt disappeared.. and then i'll tell him some stuff.. he'll give a few comments.. then thats it.. the end.. yes.. how sad its become.. i hate ns dammit!! makes people's life so miserable.. i even smsed him when i finished work.. but of course he didnt reply.. ): guess it'll never get back to wat it was.. forever and forever amen..

ironically, ivan was smsing me the entire night.. i dont understand why he's so free.. he's got like breaks the entire day ok.. i mean.. shichang never had that!! how unfair!! he still got time to go and write journal! wah lao eh.. hmpf.. but then again.. shichangs not the kind to over-communicate.. if that is ever possible.. he's the keep to himself and act attitude problem kind.. but he isnt.. he doesnt have an sttitude problem.. i know.. he just behaves like he does.. he's really nice.. and i really miss him.. ):

i digress.. that paragraph was supposed to be on how ivan managed to freak the hell outta me with a single question.. ie: "do you like chocolates?"
answer: yes
follow up question: what sort of chocolates do you like?
!!! $#*@%&@#HELP(*&@*($&#@# !!!


"hellooooo nurse!!"helped rag record her radio drama.. which was a total screaM!!
farand: gay doctor operating (unknowingly) on gay lovers wife
hilary: bisexual with a shotgun marriage
yiru: hysterical pregnant woman in operating threatre (read: bisexual's wife)
yes.. you can see how the story goes.. simply disssgusting!! like hello!! mr gay doctor here sends his lover smses and a heart shaped serviette?!?!!! yuchhH!!! (excuse me while i empty my insides..)

the point: (screams) i miss farand!!!! ironically (yes again), i have absolutely no idea wat (read: nothing) to say to him..

erghh.. i hate myself.. why do i always end up in this kinda mess.. going to officially curl myself up into a ball and sulk on my own now..erghhh...


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