saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 31, 2002

so.. the exam wasnt too bad.. it was almost exactly the same as one of the assessed tutorials actually.. so that was alright.. there was only one point where i simply couldnt answer the question.. one that asked for specific cases as examples.. bahh.. i expect tmr's not gonna be so lucky.. i'll probably faint right from the start.. and i predict, that i wont be able to finish the paper.. why?? simply because i wont know any of the answers.. hey we tried ok.. was in the library with germ.. but it was just so bad that we ended up close eyed and empty headed.. so we decided to go down to get some bubble tea, and a long destressing chat about secondary school.. hehehe.. speaking of secondary schools, mine will be moving out of the current building in about a week or so.. cos they're gonna rebuild the school.. so im gonna go down to take photos next tuesday.. sigh so sad.. ): anyhow, freak know.. how the hell are we gonna memorise all those freakin' diagrams!! we are sooo fried.. blame the saddistic nature of ramani..


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