saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, November 11, 2002

and rudy quit! im so sad! i really liked him! he was so nice and fun ok.. one of my favourite supervisors.. i still remember the say when i kept screwing up at kidsreg (which is the busiest register counter in the whole store).. and it was a friday night somemore.. so he had to keep coming back to help cover for my mistakes.. wat refund lah.. charge wrong amount.. never claim parking.. short change.. and the worst of all, i didnt change my journal roll.. so the paper was stuck there, and it just kept printing on the same line until the paper tore from all the wet ink and friction.. sigh.. and when i came out from the cash office, he threatened to make me stay back to do recovery for him for being so blur.. and just last week when he stole my mentoss.. and he threatened to kill me when i jokingly said that i would change my break time so that i could accompany haslinah.. and now he's gone.. suffered the same fate as jonathan.. was asked to leave on the day of his resignation, instead of the following week.. so sad.. i didnt even get to say goodbye.. ): *sniff*


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