saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, November 11, 2002

heh heh forgot to blog some cute things yesterday..
i was at the register counter with stara (the pretty girl) yesteray.. and then suddenly, we started whistling monty python's "always look on the bright side of life".. haha so we were singing the song throughout the night.. haha so cute.. i wanted to buy her chocolate after my shift but i forgot lah..

alamak i forgot the other thing.. damnn..
oh oh i remember now!! forgot to blog about the crazy guy i served for half an hour.. sheesh man!! he wanted to order this list of terry pratchett books.. the thing is, all of them were not listed on the system.. so since he really wanted them, i checked the publishers list for him.. true enough, they were there.. but i hate ordering books from the publishers list cos ive got to key in every single thing myself! bleah.. and after i'd keyed in the info for 3 books, the computer hung on me!!! boooo... so i had to switch computes and do the whole thing all over again... hmpff.. so frustrating... and when i found and ordered all his 5 books, he said that there were more on the back of the paper.. sheesh!!! then while i was processing those, he took out another book from his bag and requested for more books.. this guy is nuts i tell you!! i mean, i like terry pratchett, but this is insane ok.. and then later he cancelled on 2 of the books cos they were not paperback.. and "it would look weird if some were in hard cover.." like hello..??? heh at least he was nice about it man.. had fun talking to him.. but was so stressing i tell you.. heh heh.. oh, the books he ordered arent novels.. they're kinda like for collectors.. like the "discworld assassins guild yearbook" and the "discworld fools guild yearbook and diary" hehe so cool right!! i told him he was crazy, and he said "oei.. i bet youre saying that just cos i give you a lot of things to do right.." heh the bugger.. you know, i really wanted to ask him to let me take a look at the books when he collects them.. hehe but i didnt lah.. not so thick skin.. hmmf.. but i really wanna see lah.. bleah.. i hope i'm at the info counter when he collects his books man.. *crosses fingers and toes* but that will be in like 2 months time.. *crosses fingers and toes, elbows and knees*


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