saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, November 10, 2002

met cheeky guy for dinner today.. supposedly to celebrate my bday.. haha.. actually i wanted to stay at the the store to help out.. cos the schedule was weirdly screwed and there was no one scheduled to be at info 1, the main information counter, from 8pm all the way till closing time.. but, i had already made plans.. so too bad..

hmm actually we wanted to go to dome, but it was wayyy too crowded.. so we went to nooch instead.. was pretty cool.. (esp since i found a spelling mistake in their menu "noofdles" anyone?) (i mean, they're a noodle bar! how can they spell noodles wrongly?! *shame shame*) i was kinda surprised that we went dutch cos i didnt think that he was giving me a treat.. cool huh.. hehe.. and we didnt know wat to do after that, so we just walked and talked.. all the way to city hall sia!! madness!! heh.. by then it was kinda late lah, so we went home.. oh he gave me a cookie monster toy for my birthday.. hehe its kinda cute.. (dammit if only i had a digicam.. then can upload pics.. haha) but the wrapping is even cuter.. he found a box to put it in.. but instead of wrapping the box.. he literally wrapped the box..!!! as in, all the flaps and everything!! and its really weird.. cos at some corners, he cut the paper, then stuck it back together again! theres just no way of explaining it! except that its really weird and farneeee!! haha even my mum was laughing.. i know i know.. very bad right.. but cant help it!! haha actually he only wrapped a bit, cos he didnt know how to wrap it.. so he got his stepmum to help.. hahaha i still dunno how it ended up like that.. aiya, if only can take a picture.. haha.. but so cute anyway..

he even wrote me a note inside.. which is really sweet..
"going out with you today made me realise that i will never lose a special person like you from my life.. no matter how rarely [i] hear from you.."



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