saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, November 08, 2002

erghhh.. im so irritated with leonard.. we havent been talking since my exam week.. cos he went to kl, and when he called me, i was sleeping on my weird sleeping shift.. so then he's been pissed with me ever since.. and he keeps saying things like i never bother to "drop a message" to let him know whats going on.. i mean, hello.. NOTHING is going on.. im just having to study cos of my freaking impossible-to-do exams!! and you ALREADY know about that.. so then?? wats the problem? i cant believe this ok.. and he actually got mad at me for saying that he's blowing things up.. wat the hell.. i, of course, was totally unaware of the entire problem until kevin asked me if we quarelled.. i mean, how come I didnt know.. i dont understand lah.. i mean, why is this even as issue?! i just dont geddit! yes rag.. "d men dun geddit" ERGH!!


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