saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, November 05, 2002

wat the...
my previous post went bonkers.. !!! and i cant even delete it.. when i click on the edit link, i go to the ben and jerry's page!!! yikes!! well, i cant be bothered to fix it.. so i'll post the damn thing again..

here goes..

"heh heh.. germ found out about my blog.. shouldnt have linked her eh? well, bumped into her today at borders.. and guess wat she told me.. her palm crashed!! wahahaha.. first time ive heard of that.. hahahah..

hmm i havent blogged in a while huh.. just been too tired lah.. recovery was really really bad today man.. we filled all the shelves of the library cart, and one double v-cart.. with books still lying around all over the store.. sheesh man.. at first sarhan and i tried sorting out the books, but there were just too many, and there were more coming in!! so we just gave up.. lucky we're not on morning shift tmr man..

oh oh.. shichang messaged me!! and we were smsing for about 2 hours.. not bad eh.. havent done this since i dunno when man.. hehe so happy.. *grinzzz*

oh i must not forget this.. ivan gave me godiva chocolates yesterday.. heh so amazing right.. he came down to borders to look for me, but i was at the register counter.. so we couldnt really talk.. i was just about to take another customer when he said.. " er.. i got you chocolates.." then i got a shock.
after he left, i was wondering whether i should laugh or cry.. heh.. it was just so funny ok.. but then, the more i thought about it, i also thought it was very sad.. haha i know.. weird right.. so with the advice of my shrink, i checked up the brand on the web.. and boy are they branded.. the assortment i got probably cost him about 60 bucks.. for 23 pieces.. he's crazy!! hmm oh well.. i couldnt bear to open the ribbon and take a peek inside, so they're sitting in the fridge now.. i just hope my parents dont ask about them.. i really wouldnt know wat to say.. even the sticker on the bag is so nice ok!! its gold and has got the logo embossed and all.. wow.. heh but its a bit too 14th century for me.. haha..

damn.. missed a chance to give jonathan a call today.. totally forgot that it was a public holiday today.. sheesh.. been wanting to give him a call.. just so difficult to find the right time.. he's working in the day, and im working at night.. sheesh.. and im working on weekends.. bahh...

im gonna look for food now.. ooh.. just got ice cream.. ben & jerry's sweet lava java.. mmmm...

oh.. leonard and i arent talking anymore.. it seems that he was pissed with me cos i didnt answer his calls last week due to the exams.. of course, i found this out from his buddy, kevin.. apparently leonard didnt believe it when kevin said it was because i was having exams.. so liddat lah.. so he got mad at me, and well, naturally i got mad too.. i mean.. why so petty..? its not as if im deliberately avoiding you wat.. people cant accomodomate you all the time, as and when you want you know.. sheesh.. so it seems, as he himself said, we've become strangers.. "


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