saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, December 28, 2002

feel in a sad mood now.. tomorrow is haslina's last day at borders.. and monday is eliza's last day.. im really gonna miss the both of them.. they have been really good friends to me, even in the short time that ive known them.. i suppose just the very fact that the both of them are in mass comm makes us understand each other so much better.. ive shared some really funky times with eliza (hanging back the wrapping paper, having ice cream sundaes with amir and fernando, talking shit together, and yes, even the freakin sound chip in the sex mini book.. we're gonna have pizzas and watch anastasia in the pantry tomorrow.. hehe..) and some really funky stories with haslina (on christmas night) and i really wish that we could stay on like this forever.. but (yes cliche as it is) change is inevitable.. and i guess we all have to move on sometime.. i wrote them christmas cards just now.. the 3 of us should go out for supper tomorrow night huh.. dont think we will, but will see how it goes..

YES!! i found my camera!! then i can take photos with everyone!! YAY!!!

tomorrow will be one hell of an exciting and sad day man.. sigh.. will miss them badly.. *tear..*


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