saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, December 22, 2002

hmm today has been a mixture of good and bad.. well for one, i cried at work today.. somehow i find myself unable to explain why i just couldnt take it anymore.. it was a super busy and crowded day.. and there was a constant snake of a queue at the music reg.. and i just encountered 2 unreasonable customers.. one after another.. i know it wasnt my fault or anything, esp the first one.. but for some reason i felt as it they were all accusing me.. and i felt damn bad for "making trouble for amir".. for no reason, he gets all the flak about our (lack of) service.. and just at the start of his shift somemore.. and immediately after that, some customer demands to see the manager because i cant give her the 25% discount cos she didnt bring her coupon.. after explaining the situation to her nicely, she says she understands, then demands to see the manager.. i was already shaking when i got to the phone.. and i was trying not to sound like i was gonna burst into tears when i was paging for the manager..and for some reason, i was glad that karen came instead of amir.. we tried to settle for 20% but she went on arguing that she could get it at times for a lower price.. and went on repeating her lame argument.. she even wanted to fax over her coupon on monday.. so she refused to buy it, then later came back and said she had no choice but to settle for the 20% off cos she didnt wanna make another trip.. after that transaction i went straight to the toilet and sat there for at least 10 mins before i felt i was calm enough to come out.. and i was so tempted to ask the manager to give me a break from all the shit in the hell-hole.. cos for once, i really felt that i couldnt take it anymore.. but i was so afraid i would burst in front of everyone, and i didnt want that to happen.. so i just went back and kept my mouth shut.. so later when amir came, i couldnt talk to him at all..
lucky eliza ended work at the same time as me man.. really cheered me up.. i was looking forward to hanging out with her at the end of my shift man.. so i was really glad that my last hour was spent doing recovery.. at least its more relaxing.. so i was like damn excited when we could finally leave the hell-hole man.. oh! and amir gave me a little reindeer looking kinda toy.. and he hung it around my lanyard.. but it was a tad too heavy, and dropped off when i was bouncing out of the store.. heh, and i was so excited i even paged amir to tell him that i was going!! haha.. but he was going off for his break too, so he wasnt jealous.. damn!.. and actually me and eliza were going to chill and eat ice cream.. but in the end, we decided to buy for amir and fernando also.. so we bought 4 hot fudge sundaes and went back to the pantry and started talking cock with them.. haha so farneee.. and amir passed me an envelope which contained a(nother) note and a magnet.. we're like writing notes to each other man.. heh heh so fun.. like secondary school liddat.. and he said (rather wrote) that i could find him at WMW_WJWG.. it was some sort of code.. but i have no idea wat the hell it is!! sheesh!!.. heh but well.. i suppose it wasnt that bad a day after all huh.. just very "happening.."

and anyway.. ARSENAL WON!!!! wahhooOO!OO!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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