saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, January 04, 2003

hmm.. almost went out for supper with the whole gang.. but then i decided not to.. maybe im silly for feeling this way, but i dont seem to want to get too close to any of the borders staff.. which was also the reason why i didnt join them at the hotel on new years eve.. but then again, ismail made me promise to go to japan with him.. either this year or next year.. whenever im ready.. haha but he's a really nice person.. (:

hehe did reg with nicole today.. and it was really funny!! cos she's so blur and everything.. esp since she doesnt really do reg.. hehe.. then she was so stressed when counting the till later also.. haha.. then have to help her count.. hehe so cute!!! and this is only my second time doing reg with her.. i remember the first time we did together was her first time doing reg also.. so she keep asking me questions.. hehe.. (:

jonathan almost couldnt make it down today cos he was stuck at work.. but he came!! haha!! i got a shock when i suddenly saw him standing in front of me.. then we talk for a bit lah.. (nicole cover for me mah..) lucky not many customers at the reg that time.. (:

oh, i got my book loan! hehe.. im gonna learn malay.. hahaha.. (:

oh saddest news today.. noel's mum is in hospital now cos she got stung by a whole swarm of bees.. yep.. so im going down to visit her tomorrow morning.. meeting noel at 9am.. dunno how im gonna wake up man.. die.. maybe i shouldnt have agreed to meet so early huh.. sigh.. hope she's fine..


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