saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, January 02, 2003

ok i'm just suddenly very puzzled with myself.. and rag.. generally the 2 of us who are technically single, if not married to each other.. (if i may say so..)
so.. why is it that the 2 of us find relationships, or just the mere prospect of getting into one, so incredibly disgusting??? i mean, when you think about it, its not as if we simply detest guys.. (look at the 2 of us now..) and its not as if we've never been in a relationship before.. (however long ago it/they was/were..) so exactly how bizarre is it that the 2 of us are in such miserable states given the recent happenings in our ever so happening lives..???


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