saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002

uh.. i spoke to amir on the phone just now.. for about 2 hours? and this is the first time i find myself absolutely clueless as to what to say.. i dunno why i feel so weird about the whole thing, but it just is.. and i think i made him sleepy lor.. i feel so absolutely horrible about it.. i was so stunned when he asked if i wanted to chat with him when he got home.. and actually, even though i kinda wanted to, i also thought that it wasnt the best of ideas.. dunno why i feel so "anti social" about the whole thing also.. never felt that way before..

oh today was eliza's last day.. so sweet, she bought me chocolate.. and she wrote me a small note.. and it really made my day.. was grinning like mad.. haha.. but i guess also very sad lah.. didnt get to say bye to her properly cos got long queue.. at least i was at kids reg today..


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