saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, February 20, 2003

wah lao.. im like aching all over man.. i swear my blood is not flowing anywhere man.. soon im gonna be one giant clot of blood.. have been stuck here for goodness knows how long, keying in the damn bloody useless surveys.. and i cant walk anymore.. ugh.. spent like 6 hours in town with boss looking for people to survey, and they were like either too freakin young, or too bloody bitchy.. sheesh man.. our lives are so sad man..

and guess wat.. noel helped me develop the roll of film that i shot on tuesday.. and to our amazement.. its an empty roll.. and i, for the life of me, cant figure out why.. i really dunno wat to do man.. this actually means that i have to shoot an entire roll of film tmr, so that i can develop it on friday, then do the contact print on saturday.. screw man.. and here i was thinking that i could do my contact print tmr.. sigh.. and im so screwed if the roll comes out blank again..


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