saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 03, 2003

was just reminded.. today's shichang's one year anniversary in army.. (i mean today as in 3rd april lah..) so yucky.. i cant wait for this time next year when he finally gets out.. but then again, i dunno wat difference it would make cos then i'd be in australia.. (if im still alive and if i even make it lah..) so yucky.. hate all this.. hate ns so much man.. and you know, even though i can sms him and all that, i cant even hold a decent conversation with him before he gets busy or has to go off.. so it just gets worse and worse and the next thing i know, we havent spoken in like 2 million years.. you know how sad that is.. aiya.. just so depressing.. maybe i just have to learn to let go huh.. yea.. maybe..


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