saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, May 23, 2003

shichang messaged me today!! wahhh havent heard from him since i dunno when lor.. and he still thinks i have schooL!!! so he was obviously quite shocked to find out that he was "far behind the program".. haha.. and he's had 2 promotions in the last 2 months!! so he's now a corporal.. so cool!!

was doing recovery with fiona just now, and she's really nice!! i think its the same girl that my darling (stara) said was nice last time before she quit.. she (fiona, not stara) is insane lorrr!!!! hahhaa

of course, borders still has terrible management.. which resulted in MIAs and wrong schedules (which resulted in not having a break).. sheesh.. why do i even bother.. oh, theyre thinking of converting me to full time since im not committed to anything for the rest of the year.. dunno if i should accept it leh..

bumped into pris and ada in the store, and it was like a reunion man!! haha so exciting!! they're all gown up now!! and its amazing how we can still behave like sec school kids.. all that screaming and gossiping and what not.. haha.. really miss it mann.. *nostalgic*

alsoo met the sajc class in the store.. carrie, youya, liduan along with leticia.. haha.. they all look so different now.. was pretty stunned to see them so i couldnt say much.. haha oh well..

bumped into damien and zhiwen in cine when i went out yesterday, which i think is the cause of zhiwen messaging me out of nowhere asking me how my exams were.. sigh.. no need to mention that i didnt return his sms cos i was at work.. hmm.. havent seen damien in a really really long time though.. good to see that his hair has grown back exactly the same as before.. haha..

hmm.. i think i'll just stick to part time lah.. then at least still can play a bit.. and not work my life away.. i dont want to have to reflect back at the end of the year and find that half of it whizzed by while i was stuck in the store..


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