saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, May 25, 2003

was down at steph's chalet today with the sec 4 gang, whom i havent seen in ages!!! haha good to know that steph's dad still remembers me.. fondly, i hope.. haha.. the best part was when we were talking about the old times back in ij.. primary school and secondary school.. and some of us suddenly discovered we were classmates in pr 4!! hahaha so funny.. lizabeth and i were talking about pr. one, when we were partners and we would hold hands and go for recess together.. and they only thing we ate then was fishcake cos we didnt know wat else to eat.. and we would drink the 10 cent drink.. (our favourite was the grape one.. amongst grape lime and orange lah.. couldnt remember any other flavours..) hahaha.. damn cute mann.. but we all didnt remember being in the same class in pr 4!! heh think cos we all werent in the same gangs that time.. haha

but we all agree that steph''s parents are damn funky.. her mom made 2 of the birthday cakes.. and with such nice decoration tooO!OO!!!!!!! wahhhhh both chocolate cheese cakes.. damn shiok mannn.. so cool ok.. we all want her to be our godmother.. haha.. and we were happily planning our jobs when she opens her cake shop.. when they were leaving, we told them of our plans.. and of course, we invited them to be our god parents.. haha stephanie's father was quite stunned, but we told him not to worry cos he was included too.. hahaha..

oh yes.. JON HAS SHORT HAIR!!!!! hahaha my gawwddddd i couldnt recognise him okkkk.. i was searching for him for a pretty long time before i realised that i had already seen him.. hahaha.. so silly.. but he looks much much better now that he has short hair lah..

heh was quite fun lah.. even though theyre quite bimbotic.. haha.. but oh well.. *grinzzz*


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