saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, July 13, 2003

hmm.. havent posted in over a week..

so i had the worst fight with my dad last night, over something that didnt even really have to do with me.. sheesh.. but well, i think its the first time where ive dared to finally stand up to my dad and tell him that he's not always right.. actually, i think its the only time anyone of us has done it (other than my mom, when theyre argueing).. so strange, now that im writing about it, i cant even say what exactly it was about.. oh well.. but was pretty upset.. and i just couldnt eat my dinner (bear in mind that this occurred just when we were starting dinner, so i had a whole plateful of food by the time this was over..) so i went out and sat in the field for a couple of hours before going home to sleep it off..

think he's trying to make up for it though.. so we're going to the night safari tomorrow!!! woo!


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