saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, August 13, 2003

i went out to play netball with the borders gang today!!! i was like damn late, and i was ssooo damn unfit.. but its so cool.. this really brings me back to my sec sch days when we used to play netball all day long.. and even stay back after school just to play!! (i was much fitter then..) but i feel so accomplished with myself..!! im finally getting that exercise that ive been trying to psycho myself into getting.. now i just have to keep this up, and try to improve my stamina..

hmm another thing ive been wanting to do is learn how to blade.. i started out with steph and usha, but never really accomplished anything cos after 2 or 3 times, shuping forced me to go home to study for the prelims instead of hanging out with them.. (hmpf) hehe well, i guess i can finally get on with it.. but need to go blade shopping first.. ;P

oh!! you know wat happened to me and audrey in the bus home from netball just now.. we were sitting at the upper deck of a number 14 bus, talking about injuries and accidents, when there was a loud bang!! our bus had collided with this cement mixer truck thing!! the front panel of the bus was like smashed inwards and the glass was breaking like a huge spider-web.. and tiny bit of glass were just falling down on the front seats like rain!!! lucky nobody was sitting there man!! we went downstairs, and the front panel on the bottom deck was smashed in tooo!!!! same thing! the driver wasnt hurt though.. sheesh so suay mann..

k k have to go koon liaos.. eye paining already..


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