saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 23, 2003

wah.. i havent posted in like how long lor.. think im getting lazier than ever.. dammit!!

anyway, like a gazillion things happened lor... so i have no idea how im gonna squeeze everything into this one post but im gonna try anyway!!
so here goes..

eleanor my chiobu got blasted at work last friday and was pretty upset.. so stace and i waited for her and then went for fantastic ice cream..!! whoaaaa.... super shiok mannn!!
but anyway, it seems that she might be leaving soon.. so sad.. but well, im not surprised lor..

i was super duper (well, not really, considering other times.. heh) late for work on monday cos i woke up at 0912 in the morning! when im supposed to start work at 0900!!! arghh!! anyway, the really funny thing was that i called stacey's direct line but no one answered so i figured she was late too!! so i decided to call erny's hp.. best part is, my call woke her up!!!! sheesh!!! i could practically hear her voice go from sleepy to panic!! haha wanted to laugh but i suppose she didnt think it was that funny.. haha

hung out at bk with kenny farokh erny stace and peizhen after staying back till 8pm on monday but i was super super duper paranoid cos mr *ad** was looking for me in the store today and i narrowly escaped a confrontation!! i was so super freaked out i tell you.. and then the rest are going clubbing next wed but i dont dare to go cos im afraid that he might be there.>!! i know i should just face him and get it over with, but im just too chicken..! argh.. i hate myself..

i had my first driving lesson today, and it was full of "oh no"s.. nothing bad really happened lah, i just stalled the car once.. my instructor actually said that he was very happy cos my clutch control and braking was very good.. but i guess i was just worried man.. haha i think after a while he was laughing at my oh nos lor.. sheesh..

hmm wat else.. hmmmmmmm..... oh, stace and i stayed back at work until like 9 plus at night in an effort to clear the 18 cartons of shipment that only came in at like 4 plus because of stoopid monkey face who refused to let the morning receiving guys receive our shipment lor.. wat a selfish idiot i tell you.. im damn mad at him..

and steph!! i keep forgetting to call you!! like i will only remember when im on my way home or something.. erghh.. tell you wat.. im working on friday and monday from 9-6pm so you can come down anytime then ya? just send me an sms cos i cant answer my phone.. i might be working this weekend but i dont know when yet will letcha know ya? teehee.. sorry!! and i am not mad ok..

whos.. this is one looonggg post man... and very rushed too!! hmm okie... off to sleep..!! heeheee byeeee..!!


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