saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 17, 2003

hmmm today was a damn super slow day for all of us in the customer service room mann... even porky asked us why we were so moody.. and it was all leftover from the night before.. sigh..

i was just ranting on and on to my shrink about a certain someone who called me in the office during a chaotic work moment and simply insisted on putting me in a spot. and i have never ranted in this way before.. apparently, my shrink said it was a "refreshing" change.. sheesh.. but i was really upset and raymond had to make things worse, even though he was being nice about it.. *sigh* and all this nonsense resulted in alternating between stoning and crying for about another 3 hours till the ungodly hour of 5 am..

poor stacey was feeling so depressed and i just didnt know how to help her/make her feel better.. im just so bad at that.. but we had a very nice walk and talk session all the way to city hall.>!!! and we've shared so many private things that im really gonna miss her when i leave!! (which i know is a bit early to talk about lah but ya know.. ) i really love this girl and im so glad to be working with her.. but i hope that she doesnt stay so depressed.. and i just want her to know that there are people who love her lots.. *hugz* like me..! heehee..


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