saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 09, 2003

wah damn sad man, i missed isaac's gig for some lame-o theory class in which i was falling asleep like nobody's business.. so wasted.. i heard he was really really good.. must try and go to the next one..

stacey was on leave today, so i gay-kiang attempted to do the book orders *on my own!!* but guess wat happened.. after doing everything halfway, i got so confused that i gave up!! couldnt risk doing the whole thing wrongly!! so nonsenseee!!! oh well.. and then!! tmr stacey AND erny will be on leave so i'll be slogging away in the room all by my poor lil ol lonesome self!!!! *wallows in self pity*

*i think i am feeling slightly mad right now... like maaADDDDD....!!!!!!!!!!!!*


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