saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, October 05, 2003

haha EXACTLY!! ive always been scared of ivan man.. like since the very first day i started working.. hahaa.. and even now, he sometimes gives me such an evil look that i get scared.. haha..

yay~! so exciting..! we're going out on the 13th to celebrate.!! but since somebody *hem hem* is going to watch underworld with her sister, we have no movie to watch..!! so you are going to plan our movie and dinner venues ok..!! and can you please give me your email add? i need to ask you something.. hmm or you can just drop me an email at

have been contemplating joining friendster for the past couple of days.. even though ive gotten a few invitations, i wasnt really interested in signing up.. but i got one from a long time friend of mine and i wondered if this was a good way for us to keep in touch..

also, i got a surprise sms from nat tonight asking me how i was.. and it was uncanny how i was just thinking about him for the past few days.. but then i think he had lights out so couldnt reply after a while..


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