saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, September 30, 2003

its already 430 in the morning and i have to get up early for work.. but i really cant get to sleep.. i keep getting the feeling that ive got lots on my mind, but i dont feel like im thinking of any one thing at a time.. in other words, i have no idea wat im thinking of. how does one deal with this? ive tried music.. but once the music stops, the stream of random thoughts flows back in.. makes me feel like a zombie.. floating around the house.. thinking but not really thinking.. i wonder if i should be talking to someone about this.. but then again, i dont really know what i should say. especially since i dont even know what exactly has been bothering me so. oh this is so frustrating..!


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