saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, September 28, 2003

... but wat good is it that its showing on cableee... i dont have the damn channel..!! *sulks* how man! im so irritated!

Sumo Nagase your head lah boss.. you go and find jon punk's email add for me i tell you.. *hmpff*

the story i heard was some raunchy scandal that is simply too obscene to repeat.. whether here or anywhere else.. and what makes it worse is that it involves people i know.. and that makes it so hard to believe.. and to get over it.. much less ever forget it..
haha and i have no intention of blackmailing anyone.. dont want to have anything to do with that incident..

dexter, how come your alter-ego is ross..?? and why is erny monica?? and i wasnt married to ross ok.. i was married to someone who looked like ross.. hahaha.. in any case, id rather marry chandler.. so whos chandler on the blog?

and i suddenly thought of my darling, stara.. anybody have any idea wat happened to her?? hhmmmm...


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