saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, September 22, 2003

im baccckkKK!!! well i mean i didnt just come back.. rather i came back on friday morning.. except that i didnt know it! i thought it was still thursday! so i went home, slept the whole day, and when i woke up at night, i was wondering why my handphone said it was the 19th.. so i didnt go back to work on friday like i was supposed to!! so im liable to get into trouble when i go back to work in tuesday.. *sheepish grin*

spain was greattt!! the architecture is so nice i tell you.. and so many nice things there.!! as it turns out, we didnt just go to barcelona and madrid.. we had too many days in madrid and my parents were bored with it already.. so we went on day trips to toledo and segovia.. oh and we went to watch the bullfights! it was horrible i tell you.. its damn bloody man.. the poor bull! i was so disgusted ok.. so much that i didnt clap the whole time.. and i didnt even feel sorry when one of the matadors got injured.. twice somemore.. hmpf..! on a brighter note, there were lots of nice things to see.. oh, and two guys said "hola" to me..!! *grinzz* thats hello in spanish.. haha..


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