saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 04, 2003

wah lau.. didnt really didnt feel like going to work today man.. totally couldnt get out of bed, and was feeling damn super sian and so dead that i didnt even wanna read my book (im reading west side story right now.. nice book!! shall borrow the vcd from noel after that..) on the bus! just sat there and stoned!!! felt much better after a morning chat with ivan.. who encouraged me to go ahead and take an mc, no less.. and also, i had a grand total of ONE cd order yesterday!! and that breaks juannas record of 2 cd orders in a day!! haha so exciting..!! and i feel so accomplished with myself man.. ive fulfilled 2 and a half shipments all by myself in 2 days!! amazing!! but now theres gonna be the problem of shelving them, which i hate.. plus the fact that theres simply NO SPACEEEEE... ughhhhh i cant believe this is a job you know.. fulfilling books.. but im really gonna miss the office when i move downstairs to the customer service room with stacey.. theres no space for anything in there! plus the room is so small and dingy which makes the constant ringing noise echo all over the damn place.. and theres no radio!! ughh...

and i am pissed with netscape!! the log in page cant even load for me to upload my pics!!! Hmpff... *grumblemumblerassemfrassem*

oh had lunch with rag today.. whom i havent seen in how many thousand yearrrsss!!! teeheeee..

hey asra!! *waves excitedly* hehe when you all gonna watch? i dont mind also.. but next week im only free on monday and tues.. will be scooting off to spain on wed.. *heeheee* anyhow, lemme know ya? eh eh, we should also go out and do some phototaking sometime! i seriously need the practice! must show me your pics ya?? *grinzzz*

boss who did you meet?? so scary when you say its a horrifying story... dont think i really wanna know.. must be some weirdo from the china trip.. anyway, jon is fine! he still looks damn good! maybe even better! and which day are you wanting to chope me? as mentioned above, next week on mon and tues are up for grabs!! so hurry book now before its too late!! and youre the one whos like so busy lor.. even though im the one working.. so not my fault for not seeing you for ages ok.. hmpf.. btw, did noel talk to you? we found an apartment! and its 10 minutes away from Borders! haha can you imagine if i get a job there? i dont even have to be trained!! haha..


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