saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, August 22, 2003

i have the teeniest burn in history!!! this morning i was walking to the bus stop, minding my own business, when i felt this sudden extremely stinging pain on my left arm.. i tried to brush away watever it was, except that there was nothing there! i suspected it was a burn from some flying ash of some sort.. and it was so pain, that i couldnt even tell where it came from! when i reached the bus stop, i was still figuring out wat happened to my still-stinging arm, when i saw a red dot slowly appear on my skin.. like magic! and you know how youre supposed to run a burn under a tap right.. but i was in the middle of nowhere! and it hurt like hell! it was agony on the bus man.. the vibration of the engine was enough to cause my whole arm to sting even more! imagine that! on top of that, an island around the red dot started to swell.. and it was very white, whereas the rest of the whole area was red.. like, can even see the tiny red dots of my blood vessels!! and the red dot swelled up like mad too!so its like a swell on top of a swell.. when i reached the office, i washed it down with cold (and i mean cold) water from the dispenser cos the water from the tap didnt help! but it was more than half an hour since i got burnt, so i think my skin was just fried already.. i kept applying cream on it the whole day, cos it still stung occassionally, and my arm was generating so much heat that my fingers felt so cold! not to mention that the blister kept forming and bursting and forming again! *sigh* to think something so small can cause so much agony..


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