saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, August 31, 2003

aiyooo you all ahh.. i cant believe you guys can spoil my chatterbox.. anyway, i had no choice but to delete the spoilt entries.. but ya'll are so funny!! i couldnt bear to delete your entries.. so nonsense!! and shuping you posted so much that everyone elses' posts got pushed out and i had to look for my history to read the posts..! silly girl you.. hey must tell me when youre free man!!

haha usha i remember sticking the star wars stickers too!! and i vaguely remember some weird guy looking at us at macs right?? hmm i must go look for my sticker book.. dunno where its gone to.. heh and you werent really a distraction, cos i didnt mind.. but then when shuping found out she scolded meee!!! (how can you not remember!!) and i think she went to chide you guys too if im not wrong.. think she found out about our blading from steph.. and speaking of blades, i cant seem to find any nice ones! the ones ive seen are all the big scary ones which looks like wheels stuck on a shoe!!

anyway, as you all would have noticed by now, i havent been online all week.. so damn tired and all.. now i have so much mail to read i dont think i can finish!

so sorry about the missing photo mann.. i dunno why, but i just cant seem to log into netscape to upload my pic!! shall just have to put some old pic up there.. ugh.. so ya'll will have to wait to see my hair.. which is not so new by now..

noel, i cant believe you went to watch the wedding banquet without me!! i am angry with you!! hmpfff!!!

oh my burn is quite alright now.. it was still hurting for the next 2 days, then not anymore.. i guess my skin was really fried man! and now the wound is like a mini hole..!! like the small bit of flesh that was there has dropped off! i know that sounds quite sick huh..

boss!! guess who i met today! i was going home from holland v after dinner, and when i was walking to the entrance of the bus, guess who came down the exit!! jon punk!! like how long have we not seen this guy man!! anyway, still looking damn good... he called me soon after, and he's planning to study his dream course in england! psychology, something and medieval history.. like how cool is that..!! but he's counting on a scholarship lah.. hope he gets it man! we have to meet up with this punk before we go off girll!!! and did you get all the accomodation and watever brochures from alvin? i called him to ask him to send a copy to you..!! we need to find a house man..!


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