saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, September 07, 2003

oohh… found some mythology books online and was wondering if I should get some.. I dunno why I suddenly like mythology (I never used to think much about it) but the stories are just so interesting! Like I was watching Hercules (the cartoon) just now, and I learnt about the story of Prometheus (who was punished by Zeus for giving fire to humans – he was bound to a rock for eternity, and everyday, an eagle would devour his liver) and then when I went online, I read about how Epimetheus (brother of Prometheus) was tricked by Zeus into accepting a gift that would unleashed all form of evil into the world.. and we all wat this is.. that’s right.. Pandora’s box.. see so interesting right.. and Pandora, for that matter, was the first woman.. created by Zeus with the help of the other greek deities, each contributing something to perfect her.. like Aphrodite gave her beauty, Hermes gave her persuasion, Apollo gave her music.. you get the idea.. so cool right!! Bet you guys never knew that either..!!


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