saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, September 07, 2003

Hmm since blogger is down, im using word to type this out first since I feel like posting now..

Been slacking and bumming for the last few hours in front of the computer and had a nice evening listening to some nice music.. been a long time since I did that really.. and I must say, a great song can really lift a persons mood.. particularly like Robbie William’s Something Beautiful at present.. the lyrics are so simple and yet so meaningful.. wish that for all you guys.. and my friends who aren’t reading this..

If you can't wake up in the morning
'Cause your bed lies vacant at night
If you're lost, hurt, tired or lonely
Can't control it - try as you might
May you find that love that won't leave you
May you find it by the end of the day
You won't be lost, hurt, tired and lonely
Something beautiful will come your way

was also captured by some other nice and simple songs like Stop Living the Lie and Someday We’ll Know.. personally I prefer Mandy Moore’s version featuring Jonathan Foreman to the one by New Radicals.. just sounds nicer with as a duo I suppose.. I feel like im in a kinda slow and sappy mood tonight? Hmmm…


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