saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 25, 2003

why is liz's blog informative? heh well other than her daily take on her life.. haha..

ive been considering bulfinch's mythology.. apparently its pretty well known and quite a few webbies have taken the myths straight off the book.. and it even covers king arthur and the knights, which would be a pretty interesting read.. read the first few pages at amazon but im wondering if its a bit much for me.. the books pretty thick too..
eh you know wat? i havent read any of the books i bought at the staff discount too!! haha i think thats the nature of things, you want it, but when you actually get it, you hanker after other things you dont have..

eh i miss spain man.. i also wanna go back there again.. and ive only been back a week! and you know, i dont usually miss the places i go to.. but spain is realllyyyy lovelyyyyy... *sigh*which part of spain did you go to isaac?

speaking of spain ah.. i cant believe i totally forgot to mention this, but my father's pocket got picked in barcelona!!! dont ask me how it happened cos we have no idea as well..!! caused a bit of mayhem.. esp since we were supposed to catch a train to madrid in about 2 hours time.. lost quite a bit of money too.. but lucky my mum and i had some cash to last us through the rest of the trip..

wahhh was raining the whole day today and i had such trouble getting to work.. sigh.. jac came into our room today and gave a loud exclamation of wat a junkyard the place was and called ALL the managers on duty into the room.. you should have seen porky's face when jac asked him wat all the rubbish was.. hahaha.. had a good laugh.. and i simply love the way porky was called down.. "could you rush down to the customer service room now..? i have some things to share with you.." wahahahaha!!!! wanted to burst into laughter mannn!!! haha!! oh well.. I cant help it if porky is so useless.. haha

hmm speaking of work, ive been considering quitting my job sooner than i expected.. was seriously thinking about it yesterday.. which would mean that i would probably leave in mid oct.. and then i can concentrate on getting my driving licence before i leave for melbourne next feb.. besides, im getting really really sian of going to work.. but then again, i could probably use the money when im all alone in a foreign land.. and so i have no idea what to do.. *sighhhh*

oh yeah.. any of you guys know of any webbie that will give me a reasonable amount of storage space and host my pics for free? and thats not netscape? i cant get any of my pictures uploaded and im getting tired of it.. let me knoww..!!

yesterday, noel told me of an interesting picture on the second last page of berita harian which caused quite an uproar (in the customer service room and spread to the sort room courtesy of erny).. the malay DJs were talking about it.. and today's today and new paper even ran stories on it.. if you have no idea wat im going on about, ask me for the pic.. (its been circulating in the office..) *grinzzz*


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