saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, September 26, 2003

something else i forgot to blog!! sheesh.. i was so angry last night ok.. i had been looking forward to watching buffy since last week.. but i was so tired that i fell asleep 2 hours before the show started!! when i woke up at about 4, i remembered that i had it taped.. but when i checked the tape, it was full of the wrong channel!! the most irrigitating thing was that it wasnt my fault for having taped the wrong channel!! my block was having its circuit boards changed during the day, so all electricity was cut off.. as such, my vcr lost all its programming, and reverted back to the factory settings of channel ONEEE!!!!!! ARRGHHHHH!!!!! i am damn angry ok.. am very angry still!!!! it was a season finale ok.. giles was gonna bust willow's witch ass and i missed it!!! and i was soooo looking forward to it.. ERGHHHH!!!


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