saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, September 28, 2003

we all gathered at my uncles place last night to celebrate my grampa's 78th birthday.. and to my surprise, we had more fun than we expected.. you know, ive always regarded this kinda family gathering with some sort of dread and boredom.. but maybe now i'll even look forward to it.. haha so drastic right.. but we really did have fun..

and it was such a shock and amazement to see that our little baby cousin samuel has grown so big!!! now he can walk already!! the last time we saw him, he was still a baby with no hair!

maybe because my uncles places didnt have too many cluttery furniture like sofas and coffee tables around so all we cuzzies sat together on stools or on beanbags in the same area.. while the oldies sat at the dining table...

speaking of bean bags, my sister burst a bean bag!!! hahahahaaaaa.... i think she was moving around trying to get a good shot of some of the oldies.. and it burst!! of course there was a lot of screaming and laughing.. too bad we didnt take a photo of it!! hahaha... it reminded us of the time when she broke a table at 2nd granduncles place many years back during cny..!! haha.a..

but well, we took lots of silly photos of everyone and a couple of videos too!! *grinzzz* best one was uncle henry eating cake.. haha..

i would have posted up some of the funny photos up to share with you guys.. but nooo.. i cant cos netscape's not working with me here..!!

aiya.. i cant believe im saying this, but i think im gonna miss all these gatherings and all my whacky cousins when i go off to melbourne!! *sighhh*


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