saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 03, 2003

i think i really really like working with stacey!!.. she's so funny.. and i realise we're kinda alike.. like we both come from IJ schools, and her cousin is Geraldine Lin (who used to stay across the street from me, and with whom i took the schoolbus in primary school!!!), we both laugh a lot.. (and non-stop too!!) and we've kinda had quite a few similar life experiences.. so its very fun working with herrr..!! like how we spent the past 2 days at work laughing.. esp at something ivan said in the sort room.. hahaha which is very dangerous to repeat here in case someone stumbles across this.. *grinzzz*

anyway, i feel very comfortable with her.. and telling her stuff.. which is pretty hard to come by.. even for my good friends, so its rather unusual and surprising for me too!.. so as i was saying, we were sharing stuff about guys during work today, and i actually told her about nat..! hmm so the whole night i was just thinking about the whole nat incident.. well, basically just wondering how things would have turned out if i had continued going out with him.. ah well, some things are just not meant to be..

oh, i think ivan is quite a nice person to talk with too.. (even though he exudes such evilness.. haha) was having a mini chat with him last friday after work and i actually told him about fred?? sheesh.. and i found out that he's 28!! like he was eating chicken wings, and he actually went to wash his hands, go to his locker and take out his ic to show me..!!! crazy!!!


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